333. The Marks Of An Enemy

Once upon a time, when Brahmadatta was king of Benares, the Bodhisatta was a courtier who advised him on things spiritual and things temporal. At that time, the rest slandered a courtier who was upright. The king seeing no fault in him, asked the Great Being, “Now in what can one tell friend or foe?”

Then the Great Being explained the marks of an enemy:

He smiles not when you see him, no welcome will he show,

He will not turn his eyes that way, and answers you with No.

Your enemies he to you, your secret he betrays,

Speaks never well of what you do, your wisdom will not praise.

He joys not at your welfare, but at your evil fame:

Should he receive some dainty, he thinks not of your name,

Nor pities you, nor cries aloud–O, had my friend the same!

These are the sixteen tokens by which a foe you see

These if a wise man sees or hears he knows his enemy.

How should the wise and prudent strive, what will discernment lend,

What deeds declare to eye and ear the man that is a friend?”

The other, thus questioned in these lines, said:

The absent he remembers; returned, he will rejoice:

Then in the height of his delight he greets you with his voice.

Your foes he never honours, he loves to serve your friends,

Those who would slander you, he stays; who praise you, he commends.

He tells his secrets to you, your secret ne’er betrays,

Speaks ever well of all you do, your wisdom loves to praise.

He joys to hear your welfare, not in your evil fame:

Should he receive some dainty, he straight thinks on your name,

And pities you, and cries aloud–O had my friend the same!

These are the sixteen tokens in friends established well,

Which if a wise man sees or hears he can a true friend tell.”

The king, delighted at the speech of the Great Being, gave him the highest honour.

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