Tag Archives: The Bodhisatta And Sweet Fig

149. The Bodhisatta And Sweet Fig

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born in a brahmin family. He was trained in all the arts, and adopting the ascetic life he developed all the Faculties and Attainments, and took up his abode in a quarter of the Himalayas, living on wild fruits and roots.

At this time the king being anxious to find out his defects, went about inquiring if there was any one who would tell him his faults. And not finding any one to speak to his dispraise, either within doors or without, either within the city or outside it, he wandered about the country side in disguise till he reached the hermitage of the Bodhisatta. After saluting him, and addressing him in a friendly manner he took a seat on one side.