Tag Archives: Omens And Dreams

101. The Bodhisatta – On Luck, Omens And Dreams

Once upon a time there reigned in the city of Rajagaha, in the kingdom of Magadha, a righteous King of Magadha. In those days the Bodhisatta came to life again as a Brahmin of the North west. Growing up, he renounced the world for the hermit’s life, won the Knowledges and the attainments, and went to live in the Himalayas. On one occasion, returning from the Himalayas took up his abode in the King’s chatram; he went on the second day into the city to collect alms. Seeing him, the King had him summoned into the palace and there provided with a seat and with food, extracting a promise from him that he would take up his abode in the chatram. So the Bodhisatta used to receive his food at the palace and live in the chatram.