Tag Archives: The Bodhisatta And His Sacrifice

133. The Bodhisatta And His Sacrifice

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was reborn in the womb of the Queen. When he was born, he was named as Prince Brahmadatta. By sixteen years of age he had been well educated at Takkasila, had learned the Three Vedas by heart, and was versed in the Eighteen Branches of Knowledge. And his father made him a Viceroy.

In those days the Benares folk used to show honour to ‘gods’ and celebrated festivals. They killed number of sheeps, goats, poultry etc., and perform their rites. The Bodhisatta thought to himself, “Led by superstition, men now wantonly sacrifice life; When I succeed my throne, I will find means to end such destruction of life. I will devise some clever stratagem whereby the evil shall be stopped without harming a single human being.”