Tag Archives: The Real Happiness

340. The Real Happiness

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born a wealthy northern brahmin. Realising the evil of lusts and the blessings that flow from renouncing the world, he abjured lusts, and retiring to the Himalayas; there became a hermit and won the eight Endowments. His following waxed great, amounting to five hundred ascetics. Once when the rains set in, he quitted the Himalayas and traveling along on an alms-pilgrimage with his attendant ascetics. At last they came to Benares, where he took up his abode in the royal palace as the pensioner of the king’s bounty. After dwelling here for the four rainy months, he came to the king to take his leave. But the king said to him, “Reverend sir. You are old. Where will you go?Send your pupils back and stay here yourself.”