Tag Archives: The Bodhisatta – As King Of Gandhara

85. The Bodhisatta – As King Of Gandhara

Once upon a time the Bodhisatta was the king’s son of the Gandhara kingdom; at his father’s death he became king and ruled with righteousness. In the Central Region, in the kingdom of Videha a king named Videha was ruling at the time. These two kings had never seen each other, but they were friends and had great trust the one in the other. At that time men are long–lived; their life was for thirty thousand years. Then once, on the fast day of the full moon, the king of Gandhara had taken the vow of the commands, and on the dais in the middle of a royal throne prepared for him, looking through an open window on the eastern quarter, he sat giving to his ministers a discourse on the substance of the law. At that moment Rahu was covering the moon’s orb which was full and spreading over the sky. The moon’s light vanished. The ministers, not seeing the moon’s brightness, told the king that the moon was seized by Rahu.