Tag Archives: The Bodhisatta And The Wicked Prince

246. The Bodhisatta And The Wicked Prince

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta came to life again as a Brahmin. When he grew up, he first learned the Three Vedas and all learning at Takkasila, and for some time lived a mundane life. But when his parents died he became a recluse, living in the Himalayas, and attained the mystic Attainments and Knowledges. There he lived a long time till need of salt and other necessaries of life brought him back to Benares where he took up his quarters in the royal pleasaunce. Next day he dressed himself with care and pains, and in the best garb of an ascetic went in quest of alms to the city and came to the king’s gate. The king was sitting down and saw the Bodhisatta from the window was impressed.