Tag Archives: The Bodhisatta And His Teachings On Deeds

138. The Bodhisatta And His Teachings On Deeds

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta became a world-renowned teacher at Takkasila, and youths of the warrior and brahmin castes came from all over India, to be taught in the arts by him. The son of the king of Benares too, prince Brahmadatta, was taught the three Vedas by him. Now he was by nature harsh, cruel, and violent. The Bodhisatta, by his power of divination knowing his character, said, “My friend, you are harsh, cruel, and violent, and verily power that is attained by a man of violence is shortlived; when his power is gone from him, he is like a ship that is wrecked at sea. He never reaches haven.