Tag Archives: The Bodhisatta And The Merchant

195. The Bodhisatta And The Merchant

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born in a brahmin family, and when he was of age he studied all the arts at Takkasila, and subsequently adopted the religious life of and ascetic. One day, he went to Benares to procure salt and vinegar, and, taking up his abode in a garden, on the next day he entered the city for alms. There was a merchant as Benares, who was a faithful believer. The Bodhisatta asked which was a believing household, and on hearing of the merchant’s family, he went to the door of his house. At that moment the merchant had gone to pay his respects to the king, and neither did any of his people happen to see him. So he turned back and came away.