Tag Archives: The Bodhisatta And His Friendship

129. The Bodhisatta And His Friendship

Once upon a time, when a king of Magadha was reigning in Rajagaha, the Bodhisatta was his Treasurer, worth eighty crores, and known as the ‘Millionaire.’ In Benares there lived a Treasurer also worth eighty crores, who was named Piliya, and was a great friend of the Millionaire. For some reason or other Piliya of Benares got into difficulties, and lost all his property, and was made a beggar. He left Benares with his wife and went on foot to Rajagaha, to see the Millionaire, the last hope left him. And the Millionaire embraced his friend and treated him as an honored guest, asking, in due course, the reason of the visit. Piliya answered, “I am a ruined man. I have lost everything, and have come to ask you to help me.”