Tag Archives: The Bodhisatta – As A Vulture

75. The Bodhisatta – As A Vulture

Once upon a time, when Brahmadatta was king of Benares, the Bodhisatta came to life as a young Vulture on the Vulture Hill, and had his mother and father to nourish.

Once there came a great cyclone. The Vultures could not withstand; half frozen, they flew to Benares, and there they sat near the wall and near the ditch, shivering with the cold.

70. The Bodhisatta – As A Vulture

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was king in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born as a vulture by name Aparannagijjha, and dwelt among a retinue of vultures in Gijjhapabbata (Vulture Mountain). His son, Migalopa by name, was exceedingly strong and mighty; he flew high above the reach of the other vultures. They told their king that his son flew very far.