Tag Archives: The Bodhisatta And The Yakkha Makhadeva

249. The Bodhisatta And The Yakkha Makhadeva

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born in the family of a poor householder; they called his name Sutana. When he grew up he earned wages and supported his parents; when his father died, he supported his mother. The king of that day was fond of hunting. One day he went with a great retinue to a forest a league or two in extent, and made proclamation to all, “If a deer escape any man’s post, the man is fined the value of the deer.” The ministers having made a concealed hut by the regular road gave it to the king. The deer were roused by the crying of man who had surrounded their lairs, and one antelope came to the king’s post.