Tag Archives: The Bodhisatta As Prince Somanassa

280. The Bodhisatta As Prince Somanassa

Once upon time, in the kingdom of Kuru and the city of Uttara-pancala, a king reigned whose name was Renu. At that time there was an ascetic Maharakkhita, who dwelt in Himalaya with a company of five hundred other ascetics. While visiting the country to get salt and seasoning, he came to Utarapancala, and then abode in the royal park. Seeking alms with his people, he came to the king’s door, and the king beholding the sages and being pleased with their manners, invited them to be seated upon a magnificent dais, and gave them good food to eat. He then asked them to remain in his park for the rainy season. He accompanied them into the park, and provided places to dwell in, gave them the things necessary for the religious life, and took leave of them. After that they all received their meals in the palace. Now the king was childless, and desired sons, but no sons were born to him.