Tag Archives: The Bodhisatta and The Royal Elephant

220. The Bodhisatta and The Royal Elephant

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta became his minister. In those days the king had a Royal elephant, named Damsel-face, who was virtuous and good, and never hurt anybody.

Now one day, some burglars came close up to the elephant’s stall by night and sat down to discuss their plans:-“This is the way to tunnel into a house; this is the way to break in through the walls; before carrying off the plunder, the tunnel or breach in the walls ought to be made as clear and open as a road. you shouldn’t hesitate at murder; then there will be no one to resist. A burglar should get rid of all goodness and virtue, and be quite pitiless; must be a man of cruelty and violence.”