Tag Archives: The Bodhisatta – Nimb-Tree Spirit

100. The Bodhisatta – Nimb-Tree Spirit

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta came to the life as a Nimb-tree spirit in a cemetery grove of that city.

Now one day a robber having been guilty of an act of theft is an outlying hamlet of the city entered the cemetery grove. And at this time two old trees stood there, a Nimb-tree and a Bo-tree the robber placed his stolen goods at the foot of this Nimb-tree and lay down there. Now in these days robbers that were caught were put to torture by being impaled on a stake of the Nimb-tree. So the spirit of the Nimb-tree thought: “If people should come and capture this robber, they will cut off a branch and make a stake from this Nimb-tree and impale him on it. And in that case the tree will be destroyed. So I will drive the fellow away.”