Tag Archives: The Bodhisatta And The Secret Spell

223. The Bodhisatta And The Secret Spell

Once upon a time when a king named Senaka was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was Sakka. The king Senaka was friendly with a naga-king. This naga-king, they say, left the naga-world and came to the earth seeking food. The village boys seeing him said, “This is a snake,” and struck him with clods and other things. The king, going to amuse himself in his garden, saw them, and being told they were beating a snake, said, “Don’t let them beat him, drive them away”; and this was done. So the naga-king got his life and when he went back to the naga-world, he took many jewels, and coming at midnight to the king’s bedroom he gave them to him, saying, “I got my life through you”; so he made friendship with the king and came again and again to see him. He appointed one of his naga girls, insatiate in pleasures, to be near the king and protect him: and he gave the king a charm, saying, “If ever you do not see her, repeat this charm.”