Tag Archives: Mercury and the Traveler

13.Mercury and the Traveler

A man, about to depart upon a long journey, prayed to the god Mercury, who was anciently supposed to speed travelers, to give him good voyage and a safe return. He promised Mercury that if he would grant his request he would give the god half of everything he might find on his road.

Soon after he set forth, he found a bag of dates and almonds which some passerby had lost. He ate all but the stones of the dates and the shells of the almonds at once. These he laid upon a wayside altar to the god, praying to him to take notice that he had kept his promise.

“For,” said he, “here are the insides of the one and the outsides of the other, and that makes up your half of the booty.”

A promise-breaker is never at a loss for an excuse.