312. The Crow And The Quail

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta wsas reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born as a quail and lived in the forest on rude grass and seeds. At the time there was in Benares a greedy crow who, not content with carcases of elephants and other animals, went to the forest in hopes of better food: eating woks fruits there he saw the Bodhisatta and thinking “This quail is very fat; I think he eats sweet food; I will ask him what he eats and by eating it I will become fat myself.” He perched on a bough above the Bodhisatta. The Bodhisatta, without being asked, gave him greeting and spoke:–

Oil and butter are your victuals, uncle ; rich your food, I trow :

Tell me then what is the reason of your leanness, master crow.

Hearing his words the crow spoke:–

I dwell in midst of many foes, my heart goes pit-a-pat

In terror as I seek my food: how can a crow be fat?

Crows spend their lives in fear, their wits for mischief ever keen;

The bits they pick are not enough; good quail, that’s why I’m lean.

Rude grass and seeds are all your food: there’s little richness there:

Then tell me why you’re fat, good quail, on such a scanty fare.

The Bodhisatta hearing him spoke explaining the reason of his fatness:–

I have content and easy mind, short distances to go,

I live on anything I get, and so I’m fat, good crow.

Content of mind, and happiness with little care of heart,

A standard easily attained: that life’s the better part.

After the lesson, the Master declared the Truths, and identified the Birth: – at the end of the Truths the Brother was established in the fruition of the First Path: “At that time the crow was the greedy Brother, the quail was myself.”

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