309. The Crane And The Fishes

Once upon a time, when Brahmadatta was king of Benares, the Bodhisatta became a Fish in a pond in the Himalayas, and a great shoal went with him. Now a Crane desired to eat the fish. So in a place near the pond he drooped his head, and spread out his wings, and looked vacantly, vacantly at the fish, waiting till they were off their guard. At the same moment the Bodhisatta with his shoal came to that place in search of food. The crane said:

“See that twice born bird, how white

Like a water lily seeming;

Wings outspread to left and right

Oh, how pious! dreaming, dreaming!”

Then the Bodhisatta looked, and said:-

“What he is you do not know,

Or you would not sing his praises.

He is our most treacherous foe;

That is why no wing he raises.”

Thereupon the fish splashed in the water and drove the crane away.

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