306. The Brammadatta And His Minister

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, he appointed a Minister to be headman of a border village. Now in those days the Bodhisatta was making the round of the border villages in the way of trade, and had taken up his house in that very village. And when the headman was marching his men back at evening with beating drums, he exclaimed, “Scoundrel! He waited till the robbers go away. He is having collaboration with the robbers who loot the village. And now, as if nothing has happened, he is strolling with beating drums. And, so saying, he uttered this stanza:-

He gave the robbers time to drive and slay

The cattle, burn the houses, capture folk;

And then with drums a beating, home he marched,

A son no more, for such a son is dead.

In such wise did the Bodhisatta condemn the headman. Not long after, the villany was detected, and the rascal was punished by the king as his wickedness deserved.

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