294. The Bodhisatta On Friendship

Once upon a time, when Brahmadatta was king of Benares, the Bodhisatta was born as a brahmin’s son in Kasi. When he came of age, he renounced the world; he meditates to grow in him the Supernatural Faculties and the Attainments, and he lived in Himalayas with a band of disciples.

One of this band of ascetics disobeyed the voice of the Bodhisatta, and kept a young elephant which had lost its dam. This creature by and by grew big, then killed its master and made off into the forest. The ascetics did his obsequies; and then, coming about the Bodhisatta, they put this question to him.

“Sir, how may we know whether one is a friend or an enemy?”

This the Bodhisatta declared to them in the following stanzas:-

“He smiles not when he sees him, no welcome will he show,

He will not turn his eyes that way, and answers him with No.

“These are the marks and tokens by which your foe you see

These if a wise man sees and hears he knows his enemy.”

In these words the Bodhisatta declared the marks of friend and foe. Thereafter he cultivated the Excellences, and entered the heaven of Brahma.

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