225. The Bodhisatta And The Seven Brothers

Once upon a time when Brahamadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was Sakka. Seven brothers in a village of Kasi seeing the evil of desires had renounced them and become ascetics; they dwelt in Mejjharanna but lived in various kinds of amusement, not practising devotion diligently and being of full habit of body. Sakka, king of gods, said, “I will alarm them;” and so he became a parrot, came to their dwelling-place and perching on a tree spoke:–

Happy life is theirs who live on remnants left from charity:

Praise in this world is their lot, and in the next felicity.

Then one of them hearing the parrot’s words called to the rest, and spoke:–

Should not wise men listen when a parrot speaks in human tongue?

Hearken, brethren? It is our praises clearly that this bird has sung.

Then the parrot denying this spoke:–

Not your praises I am singing, carrion-eaters: lost to me,

Refuse is the food you eat, not remnants left from charity.

When they heard him, they all together spoke:–

Seven years ordained, with duly tonsured hair,

In mejjharanna here we spend our days,

Living on remnants: if you blame our fare,

Who is to then you praise?

The Great Being spoke putting them to shame:–

Leavings of the lion, tiger, ravening beast, are your supply:

Refuse truly, though ye call it remnants left from charity.

Hearing him the ascetics said, “If we are not eaters of remnants, then who pray are?” then he telling them the true meaning spoke:–

They who giving alms to priests and Brahmins, wants to satisfy

Eat the rest, it is they who live on remnants left from charity.

So the Bodhisatta put them to shame and went to his own place.

After the lesson, the Master declared the Truths and identified the Birth: “At that time the seven brothers were the sportive Brethren, Sakka was myself.”

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