147. The Bodhisatta And Spell For Raising The Dead To Life

Once on a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born into the family of a wealthy Brahmin. Arriving at years of discretion, he went to study at Takkasila, where he received a complete education. On his return, he became a teacher having five hundred young Brahmins as pupils, enjoyed world wide fame. Among these was one named Sanjiva, to whom the Bodhisatta taught the spell for raising the dead to life. But though the young man was taught this, he was not taught the counter charm. Proud of his new power, he went with his fellow pupils to the forest to gather wood, and there saw a dead tiger.

Sanjiva said, “Now see me bring the tiger to life again.”

“You can’t,” said they.

“You look and you will see me do it.”

Saying, “Well, if you can, do so,” they climbed up a tree immediately. Then Sanjiva repeated his charm and struck the dead tiger with a potsherd. The tiger got life and sprang at Sanjiva and bit him on the throat, killing him outright. After killing Sanjiva, the tiger fell dead.

The young Brahmins took their wood and went back to their master to whom they told the story. “My dear pupils,” said he, “mark herein how by reason of showing favour to the sinful and paying honour where it was not due, he has brought all this calamity upon himself.”

Such was the Bodhisatta’s lesson to the young Brahmins, and after a life of alms giving and other good deeds he passed away to fare according to his deserts.

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