137. The Bodhisatta And His Son’s Lust

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares. On this occasion, the Bodhisatta came with fruits to the hermitage in the evening. Opening the door, he asked his son, “Every other day you will bring wood and victuals, and lit a fire. Why have you not done any of these things to day, but sit sadly here pining away?”

The young man said, “Father! While you were away gathering fruits, there came a women who tried to lure me away. But I would not go with her till you say ‘yes’. I left her in garden; she is waiting for me. And now my wish is to depart.”

Finding that the young man was too much in love to be able to give her up, the Bodhisatta told him go, saying “But when she wants any thing to eat, and sends you hurrying to and fro on her errands, then remember this hermitage and come back to me.”

So the son went off with the woman to the village; and when he was come to her house, she made him run about to fetch every single thing she wanted.

He thought, “I hate living as her slave like this.” He ran back to his father, and saluting him, stood and said:-

A happy life was mine till that fell she,

That worrying, tiresome pitcher styled my wife

Set me to run the errands of her whims.

And the Bodhisatta commended the young man, and exhorted him to kindliness and mercy setting, forth the four forms of right feeling towards men and the modes of ensuring Insight. Nor was it long before the young man won the Knowledges Attainments, and attained to right feeling towards his fellow creatures, and with his father, he was reborn into the Brahma Realm.

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