136. Paths Leading To Spiritual Welfare

Once on a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was a very wealthy Treasurer; and he had a son who, when only seven years old, manifested great intelligence and anxiety for his spiritual welfare. One day the child came to his father to ask what were the Paths leading to spiritual welfare. And his father answered him:

Seek Health, the supreme good; be virtuous;

Hearken to elders; from the scriptures learn;

Conform to Truth; and burst Attachment’s bonds.

For chiefly these six Paths lead to Welfare.

The Bodhisatta answered his son’s question as to the Paths that lead to spiritual welfare; and the boy form that time onwards followed those six rules.

After a life spent in charity and other good works, the Bodhisatta passed away to fare thereafter according to his deserts.

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