55. The Bodhisatta – As A Man Born On Low Caste

Once upon a time, when Brahmadatta was king of Benares, the Bodhisatta was born as the son of a man of the lowest caste. When he grew up, he took the road for some purpose, taking some rice grains in a basket.

At that time there was a young fellow in Benares, named Satadhamma. He was the son of a Brahmin. He also took the road for some purpose, but he did not carry anything for his food. The two met upon the highway.

Young Brahmin asked the other, “What is your caste?” He replied, “Of the lowest! And what are you?” “Oh! I am a Brahmin.” “All right, let us travel together;” and so together they went along. Breakfast time came. The Bodhisatta sat down where there was some nice water, and washed his hands, and opened his basket and asked, “Will you have some?”

The Brahmin said, “I want none, you low fellow.” “All right,” says the Bodhisatta. Careful to waste none, he put as much as he wanted in a leaf apart from the rest, fastened up his basket, and ate. Then he took a drink of water, washed his hands and feet, and picked up the rest of his rice and food. They continued their journey.

All day they walked and at evening they both had a bath in some nice water. When they came out, the Bodhisatta sat down in a nice place, opened his parcel, and began to eat. This time he did not offer the other a share. The young Brahmin was tired with walking on, and thinking, “If he offers me any, I’ll take it.” But the other ate away without a word. Young Brahmin thought, “This low fellow! He ate every scrap without a word. Well, I’ll eat what is left.” And he ate what was left. As soon as he had eaten, he thought “How I have disgraced my birth, my clan, my family! Why, I have eaten the leavings of a low born man!” With deep remorse he vomited the food, and blood came with it. “Oh, what a wicked deed I have done,” he wept, “all for the sake of a trifle!”

Thus did the young Brahmin make his lamentation; adding, “Why did I do such a wicked thing just for life’s sake?” He plunged into the jungle, and no one saw him afterwards, but he died there.

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