52. The Bodhisatta – As A Lion with Jackal

Once upon a time while Brahmadatta was king of Benares, the Bodhisatta came into the world as a young Lion in the region of Himalaya. Of the same family there were some younger brothers, and one sister; and all of them lived in a Golden Cave.

Nearby this cave was a cave of Crystal on a silver hill, where a jackal lived. By and by the Lions lost their parents. Then they used to leave the Lioness, their sister, behind in the cave, while they went out for food; which when they obtained, they would bring it back for her to eat.

Now the Jackal saw this Lioness, and fell in love with her; but while the old Lion and Lioness lived, he could win no access. Now, when the seven brothers went to hunt food, Jackal hastly went to the golden Cave, and addressed her slily with these seductive and tempting words:

“O Lioness, I am a four-foot creature, and so are you. I love you. Can you marry me? We will live together in friendship and amity, and you shall love me always!”

Now on hearing this the Lioness thought to herself, “This Jackal is mean amongst beasts; but I am esteemed to be one of royal issue. How can I live after hearing such things? My brothers will soon come home; I will tell them first, and then I will put an end to myself.”

The Jackal, finding that no answer came, felt sure she cared nothing for him; so back he went to his Crystal Cave, and lay down in much misery.

Now one of the young Lions, having killed a beast ate some of it, and brought back a share for his sister, which he gave her, inviting her to eat. She refused, and told him what had happened. “Where is this Jackal now?” he asked.

She saw him lying in the Crystal Cave, and thinking he was up in the sky, she said, “Why, brother, cannot you see him there on Silver Mountain, lying up in the sky?” The young Lion, unaware that the Jackal lay in a Crystal Cave, and deeming that he was truly in the sky, made a spring to kill him, and struck against the crystal which burst his heart, and falling to the foot of the mountain, he perished straightway. Then came in another, to whom the Lioness told the same tale. This Lion did even as the first, and fell dead by the mountain foot.

When six brother Lions had perished in this way, the Bodhisatta entered the Golden Cave. When she had told her story, he enquired where was the Jackal now? “There he is,” said she, “up in the sky, above Silver Mountain!” The Bodhisatta thought “Jackals lying in the sky? I know what it is; he is lying in a Crystal Cave.” So he went to the mountain’s foot, and there he saw his six brothers lying dead. He Thought,”I see how it is. They were all foolish, and lacked the fullness of wisdom; not knowing that this is the Crystal Cave, they beat their hearts out against it, and were killed. This is what comes of acting in rashness without due reflection. My brothers wanted to kill this Jackal, but did not know how to lay their plans cleverly; So they leapt up too quickly at him, and so came by their death. This will not do; but I will make the Jackal burst his own heart as he lies there in the Crystal Cave.”

So he searched out the path whereby the Jackal used to go up and down, and turning that way he roared thrice. The Jackal lying in the Crystal Cave was frightened and astounded, so that his heart burst; and he perished on the spot immediately.

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