Monthly Archives: March 2014

241. The Bodhisatta And The Tree Deity

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born in a brahmin family of a village in Kasi; when he grew up he learned the arts at Takkasila, and afterwards became an ascetic and lived near a lotus-pol. One day he went down into the pool and stood smelling a lotus. A goddess who was living in a hollow trunk of a tree alarming him and spoke:–

240. The Bodhisatta And The Treasure-Pots

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta became his minister and temporal and spiritual adviser. The king of Benares went against the king of Kosala with a large army, and coming to Savatthi, after a battle entered the city and took the king prisoner. Now the king of Kosala had a son, prince Chatta by name. He made his escape in disguise, and went to Takkasila, where he acquired the three Vedas and the eighteen liberal arts. Then he left Takkasila, and while still studying the practical uses of science he arrived at a certain border village. In a wood near this five hundred ascetics lived in huts of leaves. The price approached them, and with the idea of learning something from them, he became an ascetic, and so acquired whatsoever knowledge they had to impart. By and bye he became the leader of that band of disciples.

239. The Bodhisatta and the Treasure

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta came to life again and was appointed as a Minister. Another Minister, a friend of his, was an old man but had a young wife. She gave birth to a son. The old Minister said to himself, “as soon as I am dead, this girl, being so young will marry again and spend all my money, instead of handing it over to my son. Wouldn’t it be my best course to bury my money safely in the ground?”

238. The Bodhisatta And The Tortoise

Once upon a time, when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born in a village as a potter’s son. He plied the potter’s trade, and had a wife and family to support.

At that time there was big lake close by the great river of Benares. When there was much water, river and lake were one; but when the water was low, they were seperate. Now fish and tortoises know by instinct when the year will be rainy and when there will be a drought. So at the time of our story the fish and tortoises which lived in that lake knew there would be a drought. They used to swam out of the lake into the river and come back.