Monthly Archives: January 2014

164. The Bodhisatta And The Eight Sounds

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born in a Brahmin family worth eighty crores. When he grew up he learned the arts at Takkasila. After his parents’ death he reviewed all their treasures, got rid of all his wealth by way of charity, forsook desires, went to the Himalaya and became an ascetic and entered on mystic meditation.

163. The Bodhisatta And The Effect Of Liquor

Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born into a northern Brahmin family in Kasi; and when he grew up, he renounced the world for the hermit’s life. He won the Higher Knowledges and the Attainments, and dwelt in the enjoyment of the bliss of insight in the Himalayas, with five hundred pupils around him. Once, when the rainy season had come, his pupils said to him, “Master, may we go to the village and bring back salt and vinegar?” “For my own part, sirs, I shall remain here; but you may go for your health’s sake, and come back when the rainy season is over.”

162. The Bodhisatta And The Drunken Horses

Once upon a time, when Brahmadatta was king of Benares, the Bodhisatta was born as the son of one of his courtiers, and became the king’s adviser in all things both temporal and spiritual. Word came to the king of a revolt on the frontier. He went there with his army, stopped the revolt, and after which he returned to Benares.

When he came home, he gave order, “As the horses are tired, let them have some juicy food, some grape juice to drink.” The horses took this drink, then retired to their stables and stood quietly each in his stall.

161. The Bodhisatta And The Dog

Once upon a time, when Brahmadatta was king of Benares, the Bodhisatta was born in a rich family of the kingdom of Kasi; and when he grew up, he set up a house of his own. There was a man in Benares who had a dog which had been fed on rice till it grew fat. And a villager who had come to Benares saw the dog; and purchased the dog for a fine garment and a piece of money and dragged the dog by a strap to his hut and tied up the dog, and went to sleep. At that moment the Bodhisatta came that way saw this. He asked the dog, “Foolish Dog! Why don’t you bite; cut the strap by biting it, you can be free.”