Category Archives: INDIA


Once upon a time, a village merchant named Vardhmanaka, was going to Mathura town on his bullock cart. Two bullocks-Sanjeevaka and Nandaka were pulling the bullock cart.


While the merchant’s cart was moving along the bank of the river Yamuna, Sanjeevaka, all of a sudden, stepped into a swampy spot. He tried to come out of the swamp, but couldn’t succeed. The merchant too tried his level best to pull out Sanjeevaka from the swamp, but to no avail. Ultimately he had to leave Sanjeevaka there and proceed on with his onward journey.



In a certain country lived a king who had a very beautifully decorated bedroom. An exquisite while silk sheet covered the bed and in the folds of the sheet, there lived a white flea, by the name of Mandavisarpini. She used to drink the blood of the king and, in his way spent her time very happily. One day a bug crept into the bedroom.

When the flea caught sight of him, she cried, “Oh you bug ! What are you doing here? Get out at once!”

“Madam”, replied the bug, “that’s not the way to speak to a guest, even if he is a good-for-nothing. A guest should be made to feel welcome with sweet words and refreshments.”

“And besides,” continued the bug, “I have drunk all types of blood but so far I have never had the pleasure of tasting the blood of a king. I think it must be very sweet, for he has been eating the choicest food. Now, if you will permit me, I would love to taste the king’s blood.”

“But Oh bug !,” said the flea, “I only suck the king’s blood when he has gone fast asleep but you are nasty and bite like a sharp needle. However, if you promise to let the king go to sleep before you start biting him, then I will let you drink his blood.”

“Oh, I do promise,” replied the bug, “I will even swear to wait until you have sucked his blood before I suck it myself.”

While they were talking, the king came and lay down on the bed. The bug’s mouth began to water and he took a bite of the king without waiting for him to fall asleep. The bug’s bite was like a sharp needle. The king jumped up and cried out to his servants, “Hey! Something has bitten me! See if there is a bug or a flea in my bed.”

When the bug heard this, he hid himself in a corner of the bed. When the servants came and searched with sharp eyes, they found a flea lying between the folds of the sheets, and killed her.

❖ The false promises of friends as well as strangers have no value.

Never trust the strangers.


In a certain town, there lived a Brahmin, by the name of Dev Sharma. One day, his wife give birth to a son. The very same day a female mongoose gave birth to a baby mongoose, but she herself died.

Out of compassion, the Brahmin’s wife took the little mongoose to her house and brought him up as her own son, giving him her own breast milk and bathing him in oil.


In a certain town, there lived four young Brahmins. They were great friends. Three of them were very well versed in the holy scriptures, but lacked in common-sense. The fourth was completely ignorant of the holy scriptures, but had good common-sense.

One day, these four friends had a discussion together. They said, ” What is the good of scholarship, if you cannot impress kings in far off lands by it, or earn money with it? So, let us travel east”. Accordingly, they set out.