Category Archives: GREECE

290.The Shepherd and the Wolf

A SHEPHERD once found the whelp of a wolf and brought it up, and after a while taught it to steal lambs from the neighboring flocks. The wolf, having shown himself an apt pupil, said to the shepherd, “Since you have taught me to steal, you must keep a sharp lookout, or you will lose some of your own flock.”

Some can be trusted. Who are they? What do they have in common?

289.The Shepherd and the Sheep

A SHEPHERD driving his sheep to a wood, saw an oak of unusual size full of acorns, and spreading his cloak under the branches, he climbed up into the tree and shook them down. The sheep eating the acorns inadvertently frayed and tore the cloak. When the shepherd came down and saw what was done, he said,

“You! most ungrateful creatures! You provide wool to make garments for all other men, but you destroy the clothes of him who feeds you.”

Overly self-centered moralising may not be benign.

288.The Shepherd and the Sea

A SHEPHERD, keeping watch over his sheep near the shore, saw the sea very calm and smooth, and longed to make a voyage with a view to commerce. He sold all his flock, invested it in a cargo of dates, and set sail. But a very great tempest came on, and the ship being in danger of sinking, he threw all his merchandise overboard, and barely escaped with his life in the empty ship. Not long afterwards when someone passed by and observed the unruffled calm of the sea, he interrupted him and said,

“It is again in want of dates, and therefore looks quiet.”

When largely out of your waters, it may pay to keep your explanations quite tentative.

287.The Shepherd and the Dog

A SHEPHERD penning his sheep in the fold for the night was about to shut up a wolf with them, when his dog perceiving the wolf said,

“Master, how can you expect the sheep to be safe if you admit a wolf into the fold?”

A good question does not always demand any words in answer.