Category Archives: AESOP TALES

39.The Boasting Traveller

A MAN who had travelled in foreign lands boasted very much, on returning to his own country, of the many wonderful and heroic feats he had performed in the different places he had visited. Among other things, he said that when he was at Rhodos he had leaped to such a distance that no man of his day could leap anywhere near him as to that, there were in Rhodos many persons who saw him do it and whom he could call as witnesses. One of the bystanders interrupted him, saying:

“Now, my good man, if this be all true there is no need of witnesses. Suppose this to be Rhodos, and leap for us.”

38.The Blind Man and the Whelp

A BLIND MAN was used to distinguishing different animals by touching them with his hands. The whelp of a wolf was brought him, with a request that he would feel it, and say what it was. He felt it, and being in doubt, said:

“I don’t quite know whether it is the cub of a fox, or the whelp of a wolf, but this I know full well: It would not be safe to admit him to the sheepfold.”

Evil tendencies are shown in early life.

37.The Black Servant

THE BUYER of a black servant was persuaded that the color of his skin stemmed from dirt had through the neglect of his former masters. On bringing him home he washed and scrubbed and cleaned him a long time. As a result the servant caught a severe cold, but he never changed his color or complexion.

What runs in the family, will not come off easily.

36.The Bitch and Her Whelps

A BITCH, ready to whelp, earnestly begged a shepherd for a place where she might litter. When her request was granted, she besought permission to rear her puppies in the same spot. The shepherd again agreed. But at last the bitch, protected by the bodyguard of her whelps, who had now grown up and were able to defend themselves, asserted her exclusive right to the place and would not permit the shepherd to approach.