212. The Bodhisatta And The Proud Pupils

Once upon a time, when Brahmadatta reigned in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born a brahmin. When he grew up, he mastered the Three Vedas, became a far famed teacher, and instructed five hundred pupils in sacred verses. These five hundred, having given their best energy to their work, and perfected their learning, said within themselves, “We know as much as our teacher; there is no difference.”

Proud and stubborn, they would not come before their teacher’s face, nor do their round of duty.

One day, they saw their master seated beneath a jujube tree; and desiring to mock him, they tapped upon the tree with their fingers. They said, “A worthless tree!”

The Bodhisatta observed that they were mocking him. He said, “My pupils! I will ask you a question.”

They were delighted. They said, “Speak on! we will answer.”

Their teacher asked the question:

“Time all consumes, even time itself as well. Who is it consumes the all consumer? Tell!”

The youths listened to the problem; but none could answer it. Then said the Bodhisatta.

“Do not imagine that this question is in the Three Vedas. You imagine that you know all that I know, and so you act like the jujube tree. You don’t know that I know a great deal which is unknown to you. Leave me now. I give you seven days to think over this question.”

So they made salutation, and departed each to his own house. There for a week they pondered, yet they could make neither head nor tail of the problem. On the seventh day, they came to their teacher, and greeted him, sitting down.

“Well, Have you solved the question?”

“No, we have not,” said they.

Again the Bodhisatta spoke:-

“Heads grow on necks, and hair on heads will grow;

How many heads ears, I wish to know?”

The Bodhisatta said, “You are Fools! You have ears with holes in them, but not wisdom.” He solved the problem. They listened. They said, “Ah! Great are our Teacher!” and they craved his pardon, and quenching their pride they waited upon the Bodhisatta.

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