Tag Archives: The Bodhisatta As Yakka’s Son

287. The Bodhisatta As Yakka’s Son

Once upon a time in the reign of Brahmadatta, king of Benares, his queen-consort after falling into sin was questioned by the king, and taking an oath she said, “If I have sinned against you, I shall become a female Yakkha with a face like a horse.” After her death she became a horse-faced Yakkha and dwelt in a rock-cave in a big forest at the foot of a mountain, and used to catch and devour the men passing by the road leading from the East to the Western border. After serving Vesssavana three years, it is said, she got leave to eat people in a certain space, thirty leagues long by five leagues broad.

Now one day a rich, wealthy, handsome Brahmin, accompanied by a large suite, ascended that road. The Yakkha, seized the Brahmin and threw him on her back, and in entering the cave, through coming into contact with the man, under the influence if passion she conceived an affection for him, and instead of devouring him she made him her husband, and they lived harmoniously together.