Tag Archives: The King Who Did Not Honour The Queen

324. The King Who Did Not Honour The Queen

On a time, while Brahmadatta was king in Benares, the Bodhisatta was the son of the king’s court. On coming of age he became the king’s adviser in things temporal and spiritual. The king was afraid that his son may kill him and take the throne. He banished him. Taking his wife, the son departed from that city, and came to a village of Kasi, where he lived. On hearing the news of king’s death, prince was returning to Benares. He thought, “I may receive the kingdom which is my birthright.” On his way one gave him a mess of pottage, saying, “Eat, and give to your wife also.” But he gave her nothing, and ate it all himself. She thought, “My husband is a cruel!” and she was full of sorrow.