Tag Archives: The Bodhisatta – As A Robber

62. The Bodhisatta – As A Robber

Once upon a time when Brahadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born in a village of Kasi in the home of a householder, under the star of a robber. When he grew up to be a man, he gained his living by robbery, and his fame was blazed abroad in the world, as a bold fellow and as strong as an elephant. And no man could catch him. One day he broke into a rich merchant’s house and carried off much treasure. The townsfolk came to the king and said, “Sir! a mighty robber is plundering the city; have him arrested.” The king ordered the governor of the city to seize him. So in the night the governor posted men here and there on detachments, and having effected his capture with the money upon him, he reported it to the king. The king ordered the governor cut off his head. Then the governor had his arms tightly bound behind him, and having tied a wreath of red kanavera flowers about his neck and sprinkled brickdust on his head, had him scourged with whips in every square, and then led to the place of execution to the music of the harsh-sounding drum. Men said, “This rapacious robber who loots our city is taken,” and the whole city was greatly moved.