Category Archives: INDIA
Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Kalinga, and in the city of Dantapura, reigned a king named Kalinga. He had two sons, named Maha-Kalinga and Culla-Kalinga, kalinga the Greater and the Less. Now fortune-tellers had foretold that the eldest son would reign after his father’s death; but that the youngest would live as an ascetic, and live by alms, yet his son would be an universal monarch.
8. Importance Of Virtue Compared With Learning
Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born in a brahmin family. And when he came of age, he acquired all arts at Takkasila, and on his return to Benares he went to see the king. the king offered him the post of family priest, and as he kept the five moral precepts, the king looked upon him with respect as a virtuous man, or as one devoted to the acquisition of learning ?”
7. Husband, Son Or Brother?
Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, three men were ploughing on the outskirts of a forest. As the lad belong to the kingdom, all the three farmers were imprisoned. One is the husband of a woman, the other is her son and third is her brother. She went to the king and requested to release tha farmers.
6. Greed of Merchants
Once upon a time hard by Benares was this same wild forest and this same banyan tree. The merchants strayed from the way and saw the banyan tree.
The Master, in his perfect wisdom, explained the matter:–
“Merchants from many a kingdom came, and all together met,
Chose them a chief, and straight set out a treasure for to get.