106.The Donkey, the Fox, and the Lion

THE DONKEY and the fox agreed to hunt together for mutual benefit, and went out into the forest. There they met a lion. Hoping to save himself from the danger, the fox drew near the lion and promised to catch the donkey for him if the lion would promise not to harm himself. Then, while assuring the donkey that he would not be injured, the fox led him to a deep pit and saw to it that he fell into it. But as soon as the lion saw that the donkey was secured, he clutched and ate the fox, and saved the donkey for later.

Some who betray, may not be able to get on with their living after that.

The superior man (and donkey?) forgives misdeeds at his own wise decision.

The struggle for living must not be carried on with the wrong means and weapons.

The companion worth having, has freedom to act through proper means, and values his integrity above life when it comes to some major issues.

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